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Tattoo Artists in Den Haag, Netherlands

Discover 4 talented tattoo artists in Den Haag. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

Had the honor of tattooing fellow tattoo artist @pararoo 🥺💖 We met at an anime convention because they had Dorohedoro merch, so fittingly we did this kaiman piece! Thank you so much for letting me add to your cool tattoo collection 🥺🥺🥺
If you guys don't follow @pararoo you should, her art is super tasty! 
Done at @itaitattoo
#dorohedoro #dorohedorotattoo #kaimantattooTsurumi and Sugimoto !!! 
Over the MOON about this one, thank you so much Nadja (I lost your username) for coming from Germany for the boys! I could do GK tattoos all week and not be tired of them fr
Done at @heartofgoldtattooparlour !
#goldenkamuy #goldenkamuytattoo #sugimototattoo #tsurumitattoo"A cosmonaut for our Cosmobot!"
@morgzon absolutely let me LOOSE on this one and I couldn't be happier with the result!
Thank you for the trust and the freedom to just run with it, I love you tons dude. Thank you so much for this one!!!
Done at @itaitattoo !
#cosmonauttattoo #astronauttattoo #denhaagtattooDENJIIIII
Finally got to tattoo this old flash of Denji! I think I drew this RIGHT as the anime was first being teased (still shocked so many people were hyping it without having read the manga 😭)
Thank you @glennvanbockel for claiming it!
Done at @itaitattoo 
#denjitattoo #chainsawmantattoo #denhaagtattoo
Skull Dealer

Skull Dealer

@cosmobotic15.4K followers
𝕬𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖚𝖊𝖚𝖗𝖘 💉

5 nouveaux artistes !
Ton/ta futur.e tatoueur.euse se trouve peut-être parmi cette sélection ?

T’as flashé sur le travail d’un artiste ? ↓
➊ Suis le sur les réseaux et contacte-le directement
➋ Convenez ensemble d’un rdv sur la convention
➌ Présente-toi directement à la convention et adopte un tatouage flash !

À demain pour découvrir de nouveaux artistes ✌

5 new artists!
Perhaps your future tattooist is among this selection?

Have you fallen for an artist’s work? ↓
➊ Follow him on the networks and contact him directly
➋ Arrange a meeting at the convention!
➌ Come directly to the convention and get a flash tattoo!

See you tomorrow to discover new artists ✌

#ILTC #InternationalLillTattooConvention #Tattoo #Tatouage #Convention #Lille #TattooAddict #LilleTattoo #ILTC2025 #Ink #Inked #TattooArtist #Tatoueur #ProgrammationArtistic views and stuff #tattooartist #hakutattoo✨2024✨
It blows my mind when I look back at everything that was done during the year! 
I know I’ve said it on my last post, but I want to express my gratitude once again! Thank you all for making my year more colorful 🤍✨

#newyear #2024recap #artvsartist2024 #nineSophie’s Cat, but make it Ghibli style!
Thanks for trusting me for this tattoo Sophie! You did incredibly well 🤍
Done @itaitattoo 
Victoria Guimarães

Victoria Guimarães

@_victoriaguimaraes_10.7K followers
Finally got to tattoo Zorojuro from my flash and the best part is that my dear One Piece fan nakama @roekelooss 

Thank you for coming to @itaitattoo to make this dream come true!! 

Hope you guys like it and I would love to make more tattoos like this from your favorite characters.

#onepiecetattoos⚠️Gotta catch ‘em all!⚠️

I made a little selection of Pokémon Tattoos I’ve done on the past few years. I’m on vacation so I don’t have new Tattoos to post anyway who cares? We all love Pokémon, we gotta catch ‘em all!!!

If there’s something that makes me happy is to make Pokémon Tattoos! It really gives me that butterflies feeling that only nostalgia can provoke and brings straight back to my childhood when I use to play it with my friends @samdonadi and Bolinho (who’s not on Instagram but he is worth the mention). Fucking good times! I’m lucky I can still feel that way while doing my job now a days. 

So if you’re thinking about getting a Pokémon Tattoo even if it’s a crazy one such as Dragonite and Gengar going on vacation or Sukuna Gengar or your Pokémon trainer…. Hit me up! Of course I’ll analise the idea to check if it’s nice or not but I can draw anything your imagination can think unless it’s an awful idea ahahha⚠️Black work, illustrative? Yes I do! And I do it good⚠️

For the past few days I’ve been posting a little bit more of my work. Since I open @itaitattoo together with @cosmobotic I feel like I was put in a box. That’s not necessarily a bad thing since from when I started Tattooing in 2013 I always wanted to work with Anime related themes but my areas of interest are more comprehensive than that and that’s also valid for my artwork and for my Tattooing. 

I started taking this thing of being an artist as a career at a very early age. It was 2006 and I was only 16 years old when I began University and that was an Artschool. I don’t know what is it but I never could focus on working in a single style, never liked to be labeled or limited to one technique or aesthetic. Why giving myself cuffs if I can be good in many different things?

So there goes Ernestinho drawing with markers, watercolor, acrylic painting, lithography, silkscreen, woodblock printing, etching, linocut printing, digital art… you name it. And all those techniques open up for different aesthetics and a very broad universe of ways I could work and I love that! 

Same goes for Tattooing. I love to work with many different styles within my range! So if you’re looking for something different than just Anime Tattoos, don’t keep me in a box! Bring it on!!!

#tattoo #blackwork #tttism #ttt #blackworkers #tattoonederland #tattoodenhaag #tattooamsterdamPokémon to Give and to Sell!

I love to make literal translations of Brazilian sayings to English 😅 hope you folks get it!

If it’s Pokémon Tattoos what you’re searching for… you cane to the right place! Don’t know why lately I didn’t get many Pokémon requests so I’m really missing it!!!

Claim your tag if I forgot you. Sometimes is hard to find everyone around here! 

#pokemon #pokemontattoo #tattoonederland #itaitattoo
Ernesto Visser

Ernesto Visser

@dr_visser5.0K followers
☾ Een paar faves van 2024 𖤓

Onwijs bedankt voor alle tattoos die ik op jullie heb mogen vereeuwigen!
Ik heb enorm veel plezier gehad met alle leuke sessies die ik heb mogen doen! Alle vrijheid in de ontwerpen en grote projecten!

Oh en, om het nieuwe jaar goed te starten gaat mijn agenda vanacht om 12 uur open!

 1 januari start het boeken van mei, juni, juli 2025!

🎆 H A P P Y  N E W Y E A R ! 🎆 

Zie ik je in 2025?SchildpadMemorial voor haar moeder die gek was op eekhoorntjes!
Thanks Sieta voor de reis uit Friesland om dit leuke eekhoorntje te mogen zetten!🦄
𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂 𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓮 - Tattoo Artist 🌿

𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂 𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓮 - Tattoo Artist 🌿

@mandydenisetattoos4.7K followers