Skull Dealer

Skull Dealer

Den Haag, Netherlands

15.4K followers@cosmobotic


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡³πŸ‡± Art account - @csmbtc.png Den Haag - @itaitattoo Nijmegen - @heartofgoldtattooparlour


Had the honor of tattooing fellow tattoo artist @pararoo πŸ₯ΊπŸ’– We met at an anime convention because they had Dorohedoro merch, so fittingly we did this kaiman piece! Thank you so much for letting me add to your cool tattoo collection πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
If you guys don't follow @pararoo you should, her art is super tasty! 
Done at @itaitattoo
#dorohedoro #dorohedorotattoo #kaimantattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands
Tsurumi and Sugimoto !!! 
Over the MOON about this one, thank you so much Nadja (I lost your username) for coming from Germany for the boys! I could do GK tattoos all week and not be tired of them fr
Done at @heartofgoldtattooparlour !
#goldenkamuy #goldenkamuytattoo #sugimototattoo #tsurumitattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands
"A cosmonaut for our Cosmobot!"
@morgzon absolutely let me LOOSE on this one and I couldn't be happier with the result!
Thank you for the trust and the freedom to just run with it, I love you tons dude. Thank you so much for this one!!!
Done at @itaitattoo !
#cosmonauttattoo #astronauttattoo #denhaagtattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands
Finally got to tattoo this old flash of Denji! I think I drew this RIGHT as the anime was first being teased (still shocked so many people were hyping it without having read the manga 😭)
Thank you @glennvanbockel for claiming it!
Done at @itaitattoo 
#denjitattoo #chainsawmantattoo #denhaagtattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands
Geto for @ciillss !
Thank you for claiming this one, I'm so happy I got to do it! Even if I'm posting it WAAAAY too late (don't ask me how long guys)
Done at @itaitattoo !
#getotattoo #sugurugeto #denhaagtattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands
A collection of Not-Anime-Tattoos and all in black work or black and grey!
Thank you to everyone that trusts me with other subjects, I think it's always super flattering you'll come to me with things outside of what I'm (currently) known for!

1) Wizard Baguette Frog for @kirstenelfrink 
2) Skull with flowers for @robert.hofstee 
3) + 4) Black work butterfly and horseshoe for @057kelly 
5) Ghostface / Scream tattoo for Tess !
6) Medusa for 
7) Devil Contract for @nijsjeroen 

Okay so that last one is TECHNICALLY Dorohedoro but you guys won't hold that against me.... Right? Right. Don't tell anyone 😫
All done at @itaitattoo !
Den Haag, Netherlands
Speaking of things I've never posted- these eeveelutions I got to do for @ayla2709 !
Had a lot of fun making these, I always love doing pokemon tattoos, so long as you're cool with hearing me talk about the meta 😫 
Done at @itaitattoo 
#umbreontattoo #espeontattoo #denhaagtattoo
Den Haag, Netherlands