Geometric Style Tattoos

Geometric tattoos emphasize symmetry and precision, using repeating shapes, lines, and patterns to create visually striking and often symbolic designs.

Runes made @ferraratattooconvention 
Faded dotwork and lines.
All by hand/ Handpoked/ No machine

#handpoked #runes #runetattoo #handpokedtattoo #ferrarratattooconvention #norsetattoo #nordic
Bergen, Norway
#pinkfloydtattoo #pinkfloyd #ink#inked @mamzellevie
Montélimar, France
Tattoo artwork
Salamanca, Spain
Bindrune (runa legata) eseguita per in tecnica handpoke, senza macchinetta.
Abbiamo deciso di legare insieme tre rune, duplicandone due sia per rafforzarne il significato che per ottenere un disegno più armonico. 
Fatemi sapere nei commenti se riuscite a indovinare quali rune abbiamo usato ⚔

Rúnar munt þú finna
ok ráðna stafi,
mjǫk stóra stafi,
mjǫk stinna stafi,
er fáði fimbulþulr
ok gerðu ginnregin
ok reist Hroftr rǫgna.
Hávamál - strofa 142

Eseguita al @tattomatto_tattoostudio_ 🔥

 #tattoo #tattooist #norse #neonordic #vikingtattoo #nordictattoo #dotwork #viking #vikingdesign #vikingstyle #vikingart #handpoke #handpokedtattoo #rune #runetattoo #bindrune #bindrunetattoo #heathen #rome #italiantattooers
Rome, Italy
- ᚱ -

Reið er sitjandi sæla
ok snúðig ferð
ok jórs erfiði.
iter ræsir.

Runa eseguita in tecnica handpoke, senza macchinetta.
Grazie a @tattomatto.marcovilella 💪

 #vikingart #tattoo #norse #tattooist #neonordic #historicaldesign #vikingtattoo #nordictattoo #dotwork #viking #vikingdesign #historicaltattoo #vikingstyle #handpoke #handpokedtattoo #rune #runetattoo #italiantattooers #rome
Rome, Italy
I wish to all my clients a 
Marry Christmass!💥💥💥

#dotworktattoo #mandala #tattoosleeve #tattoogeometric
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
@vladbladirons @hustlebutterdeluxe
 #black_ink_army #tattooculturemagazine #the_inkmasters #tattoo #tattoos #ink #spb #tattoolife #tattooartist #tattoodesing #tattooist #blackgardentattoo #skinlytattoo #radtattoos #inkpros #inkedmag #equilattera #blacktattoo #blackheart #d_world_of_ink #tattoos_#worldfamousink  #blacktattooing #blackworkers_tattoo #hustlebutter #hustlebutterdeluxe
HEALING & HEALED parts of one of the back projects ❤️‍🩹 love this part!

Scabbing and peeling are totally normal steps in the healing process—think of it as your skin’s way of protecting and regenerating.

✨ Pro tip: Hands off those scabs! Let them fall naturally to avoid disrupting the ink and ensure a smooth, vibrant finish. Trust the process, and your tattoo will thank you.

Got questions about tattoo aftercare? Drop them below!👇 

#tattooprocess #tattoohealing #colortattoo #backpiecetattoo #tattooscabs #tattooartist #radiantcolorsink #jconly #stigmarotary #killerink
London, United Kingdom
Who run the world?💅🖤
Bookings open in Zürich! 🇨🇭

#zürich #zurichtattoo #blackwork #swisstattoo #blacktattoos #blackart #blackwork #blackworktattoos
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
get better or you get bitter 🫡

📷 @samarthrajora 
3 days collaboration with my coworker @tattoobyalexandra 
on @ancona_tattoo_expo 

Using @pepax.official cartridges 

#pepaxlance #pepaxproteam #pepaxofficial #backtattoo #dotwork #fullbacktattoo #dotwork #dotworktattoos
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
Sleeve on @travel_explore_analog 
Thanks for travelling to Budapest!

Used @pepax.official cartridges 

#sleeve #japanesesleeve #geometry #dotworksleeve #patterntattoo
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
Sleeve on Timo from Basel!

I have a 3 days available in Bern in January!

#sleeve #switzeland🇨🇭 #swisstattoo #berntattoo #geometrictattoo #tattoosleeve #dotwork #mandalatattoos
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
Available dates 28th-31st January, Bern 🇨🇭


#swisstattoo #switzerland #berntattoo #geometrictattoo #geometrytattoos
Pilisvörösvár, Hungary
From stencil to final result: Which step fascinates you the most? 🖤👇

#tattoostyle #ornamentaltattoo #blacktattoo #losangelestattoo #girltattoo #fingertattoo #dotworktattoo #handtattoo
L.A, United States
Leg sleeve in progress—booking NYC mid Dec – mid Jan; couple spots left for LA in ‘24
LA Feb ‘25 booking open

Done with @allegoryink 🖤
#microrealism #legsleeve #tattoodesign #tattooconcept #losangelestattoo #nyctattoo #bostontattoo #bayareatattoo
Los Angeles, United States
We added a lower back/waist section to connect Esther’s matching bumdalas to create this beautiful flowing piece ✨ I honestly couldn’t be more in love with how this one turnt out 🥹❤️ thank you angel!
Camberley, United Kingdom
Thanks @prut_cheewasat 
It was a pleasure!
I am back in Barcelona, at 
For appointments contact:
Bangkok, Thailand
Beast-head with runes for Max. This is a bit different to my usual work and was an absolute blast to do. Any runic tattoo comes with a brief explanation of the origins and differences of the Elder and Younger futhark, the Saxon Futhorc and the limitations of each. From there we collaborate on what is going to best suit each individual, in this case Max went with the Elder Futhark for the main piece of writing and I’m super stoked with how it came out!
#vikingtattoo #nordictattoo #norsemythology #viking #wolftattoo #rune #runictattoo #runes #runetattoo #vikingart #celticknot #runic #futhark #pagantattoo #fenrir
Daventry, United Kingdom
Almost a year ago at @milanotattooconvention
  Did something a bit different on @danii_iley  the pattern leg is not mine but tried to much and continue the flow 
Since then we added more stuff can’t wait to finish everything up to show you ➕Abstract.Dark.Minimal➕
Brushes and splashes 🎨
⚫️⚪️ #noxviolet .
 #melbourne #natalienox #abstract #abstracttattoo #nox
Athens, Greece
From stencil to tattoo ✨ What do you think of this phoenix ?

#phoenixtattoo #girltattoo #finelinetattoo #ornamentaltattoo #mandalatattoo #losangelestattoo #latattooartist
L.A, United States
•᯽• All HandPoked • No Machine •᯽•
A Crown fit for a Queen ✨
Custom made for ♡





#facetattoo #facetattoos #lineworktattoo #lineworktattoos #ornamentaltattoo #ornamentalika #tattooornamental #quebectattooshops #quebectattoo #quebectattooshop #montrealtattoo #sherbrooketattoo #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #machinefreetattoo #handpoke #handpoked #handpoketattoo #sticknpoke #stickandpoke #stickandpoketattoo #jobstopper #tttism #tattoosnob #blxckink #blackworkers #btattooing
Sherbrooke, Canada
Are we alone?—booking LA Feb–Mar, NYC Apr/May (TBA), TX waiting list. To inquire, dm my assistant 

Done with @allegoryink 
#microrealism #tattoodesign #tattooconcept #tattooart #losangelestattoo #latattoo #nyctattoo #bostontattoo #bayareatattoo #dallastattoo
Los Angeles, United States
● ‘The Kite Flying Carnivore’ ● 
Love bringing these dinosaur terrariums to life - a tiny prehistoric world in a bottle! Done at @atelier.eva in New York. 🪁 
For booking enquiries please email:
● ●
Made using needles from @tatsoul @envyneedles @barber_dts 🪡 Process butter by @hustlebutterdeluxe 🍯
#dinosaurtattoo #kite #terrarium #bottleart #hustlebutterpro #barberdts #tatsoul #envyneedles
Stockholm, Sweden
White and black on black with @inkpermanence #cyber #whiteonblack #blackonblack #neotribal #blackwork #cybertattoo #blacktattoo #thecodexlab #blackwork #codexmoitoutladedans
Miami, United States
Elegance in every detail ✨ What do you think of this hand tattoo ?🖤

#tattoostyle #ornamentaltattoo #blacktattoo #handtattoo #fingertattoo #tattooartist #tattooinspiration #finelinetattoo #tattoodesign #losangelestattoo #girltattoo
L.A, United States
For beautiful angel Nastya 💙
At @shipovnik_workshop
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Kocham takie nieoczywisto/plakatowe rzeczy, więc jeśli chcesz coś podobnego to napewno się dogadamy moja obserwująca/obserwujacy ;)

#tattoo #sketch #beforethestart #inked #poster #graphictattoo #blackink