Brother Raven

Brother Raven

Louisville, United States

2.0K followers@brotherravenstattoos


Award-winning tattoo parlor Custom designs - Cover-ups - No flash! Local art & handmade goods Middletown - Louisville #brotherravenstattoos #dobetter


Tattoo artwork
Louisville, United States
Whether it's roses that never fade, chocolates that don't melt, permanent jewelry, or a badass skull, get your significant other what they REALLY want this year! 😉

Stop in today to buy a gift certificate or put down a deposit to reserve a date.  And don't forget about those $800 Tapout sessions, our financing options, or the awesome local art for sale! 

📸 by FotoeWizzard Photography


#brotherravenstattoos #inkslingererick  #coverupking #dobetter #awardwinningartist #ashhtatts #fontmaster #femaletattooartist #thormount #theillustratednorthman #sndroart #louisvilletattoos #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove
Louisville, United States
Solid color pack and precision lines out of @_ashh.tatts on this tattoo - did you expect any less?!

Come by to consult with her or our other fabulous artists TODAY! We've got $800 Tapouts and $3000 3 month contracts available for those looking to get large work done. Don't sleep on these deals! 

#brotherravenstattoos #ashhtatts #fontmaster #IEDApparelsponsored #femaletattooartist #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #louisvilletattooshop #louisvilletattooartist #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove #dragonhawk #adennagloves #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinsta
Louisville, United States
Feel how rubbery your elbow skin is? How hard do you think that is to tattoo? Yet @_ashh.tatts' lines never waver! 

Come by today to consult with her or one of our other fantastic artists about your next tattoo! A $100 cash deposit is all it takes to reserve your appointment for fresh ink! 😊


#brotherravenstattoos #ashhtatts #fontmaster #IEDApparelsponsored #femaletattooartist #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #louisvilletattooshop #louisvilletattooartist #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove #dragonhawk #adennagloves #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinsta
Louisville, United States
That's one imposing archangel tattoo by @the_illustrated_northman! 

Thor has an opening for today for something that doesn't take much design time, and we open at noon - first come, first served. Stop in and see what he can do for you! 


#brotherravenstattoos #thormount #theillustratednorthman #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove  #dragonhawk #adennagloves #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinsta #archangeltattoo #religioustattoos
Louisville, United States
Beat the tax rush! Come by soon to discuss what could be done today or needs an appointment for a later date. Our artists are available NOW!


#brotherravenstattoos #inkslingererick  #coverupking #dobetter #awardwinningartist #ashhtatts #fontmaster #femaletattooartist #thormount #theillustratednorthman #sndroart #louisvilletattoos #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove #do502
Louisville, United States