That's one imposing archangel tattoo by @the_illustrated_northman! 

Thor has an opening for today for something that doesn't take much design time, and we open at noon - first come, first served. Stop in and see what he can do for you! 


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Brother Raven

Louisville, United States

That's one imposing archangel tattoo by @the_illustrated_northman! Thor has an opening for today for something that doesn't take much design time, and we open at noon - first come, first served. Stop in and see what he can do for you! . . . . #brotherravenstattoos #thormount #theillustratednorthman #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove  #dragonhawk #adennagloves #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinsta #archangeltattoo #religioustattoos


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