

New York, United States

13.9K followers@acquasantanyc


The Tattoo Studio for Collectors. #acquasantanyc


Crosby Passages - 2012-202…

As an ancient form of art that it cross generations and generations thru centuries, we move along with the rituals and honored to be part of families, thru the same path of marking memories.
To connect the history thru literally a bloodline and entering many more generations to come, it’s so powerful to be part of this unification of souls  that makes our way of living a magical moment towards the decades.

Thank you for the support that makes us been here and keep this craft alive. 

See you soon. And Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. 

#unity #souls #bloodline #generations #tattoohistory #nyctattoos #tattoosfprlife #acquasantanyc #acstnyc #persian #farsi #russianchipotlesandwich #bill #carolina #miles #themom #thanksgiving2024
New York, United States
A new lunar year where most of hopes are disturbed by this world movements, we should look into our inner selves and do our best to achieve a Hitsuzendô - a zen movement of reaching the unification of the highest reality while breathing the vitality of eternal experience. 

Look into yourself and find your loved ones, that can change all you need to cross hard paths.  Follow your heart. 

Thank YOU all for the support. 
Happy New Lunar Year. 

Collector:  @eka_khodorich 
Tattooer: @jprodriguesway 

#lunaryear #happylunaryear #chinesenewyear #snakeyear #woodsnake #aquarius #hitsuzendo #zen #buddhist #vitality #love #1221 #buildingstrenght #love #acquasantanyc
New York, United States
Friendships are marked by souls that support each other in any kind of circumstances, if you are up or down they’re always will be there when they really care and believe in YOU.
Some make this connections a lifetime memory…

Collectors: @josaysquare @trivino331 
Tattooer: @jprodriguesway 

#friend #friendship #souls #connections #memories #tattoos #forever #nyctattoos #acquasantanyc #acstnyc #chooseyoursurroudings #bffs #familyowned #avatar #thebeatles #paulmccartney #höffner #bassguitar
New York, United States
Living in NYC will built you way stronger with high challenges a normal life will present more than any other place you could dream about it.
To beat any kind of illness or deficiency being physically or emotionally it’s a battle most of us have with the clock that keep ticking non stop as our paths keep extending.

If they don’t let you in, here is our answer!!!
We love you @miltonbitucanascimento 

The happiness to be able to see a true smile when you are part of someone’s life for over decades and still the same as was yesterday it’s a bless. 

Sometimes a freehand project will take time to be totally developed but the feelings inside won’t ever change how much we dedicated to it. ;) 

Everyones trajectory matters as long we don’t take ourselves very seriously… 🫶🏽
Look how flowers can live forever. 

Tattooer: @jprodriguesway 

#blackroses #garden #freehandtattoo #traditionaltattoos #nyctattoos #givesomeoneasmile #staytruetoyourself #loveisstrong #flowersareplants #plants #nycgreenmarket #familyfirst #🖤
New York, United States
“Tattooing people is a bless of the craft l dedicated over 2 decades of my life into it;
On ups and downs of the times we live in this days, it’s the support and the dedication of the collectors that we are able to exist and survive,
Thank YOU!”

Collector: @be__first__nyc 
Tattooer: @jprodriguesway 
Location: @mta 

#warrior #samurai #irezumi #sleeve #tattooartist #nyctattoos #riotattoos #hokusai #horiyoshi3 #mikeri #jprodrigues #therodriguesway #jpr #mta #subway #nycsubway #acquasantanyc #acstnyc
New York, United States
Nueve Dragones - 2019-…

“As they move thru an upbeat drive, reaching the limits from a rollercoaster shape, a dragon existence at his own year is a movement of changes and challenges to a new horizon of tattooing,  reaching the paths of what before was extinct and reconnecting to an old believe of his own reality.” - @therodriguesway 

Stay true to yourself, make sure your connection with your tattoo artist or as we prefer Tattooer is honest and transparent. 
The believe of both should be aligned to a great project together. 
Support your locals….

#acquasantanyc #dragones #nueve #bodysuit #japanesetattoos #hybridtattoos #geometrese #irezumi #ryu #sustainableink #jprodrigues #therodriguesway #nyctattoos #dragonball #dragonpearl
New York, United States
Many cultures a turtle will represent longevity as they could live 10000 years and others that you could reach the underwater Dragon Palace…
Protect your soul to achieve the dreams that you want to conquer. Never give up as life is here indifference of routines that you follow. Break your rules.
Go above your time structure to be part of something else, be part of something else. Make it happen. 

#turtles #seaturtle #longetivity #blackandgrey #tattoos #nyctattoos #dragonpalace #jurojin #10000years #nyctattooartist #tattoosruletheworld
New York, United States
Delicate moments with your touch comes with a change of behavior or a lesson in life circumstances, our reason for tattooing is above styles and focus on delivering quality projects defining the personalities. 

Find your artist connection. 

#acquasantanyc #japanesetattoo #besttattoo #nyctattooo #nyctattooartist #backpiece  #freehand #jprodrigues #elcapitan #acstnyc 
#sleeve #watercolortattoo #finelinetattoo #geometrictattoo #finelineartists  #braziliantattooartist  #🇧🇷 #🏆 #🗽
New York, United States