Many cultures a turtle will represent longevity as they could live 10000 years and others that you could reach the underwater Dragon Palace…
Protect your soul to achieve the dreams that you want to conquer. Never give up as life is here indifference of routines that you follow. Break your rules.
Go above your time structure to be part of something else, be part of something else. Make it happen. 

#turtles #seaturtle #longetivity #blackandgrey #tattoos #nyctattoos #dragonpalace #jurojin #10000years #nyctattooartist #tattoosruletheworld

New York, United States

Many cultures a turtle will represent longevity as they could live 10000 years and others that you could reach the underwater Dragon Palace… Protect your soul to achieve the dreams that you want to conquer. Never give up as life is here indifference of routines that you follow. Break your rules. Go above your time structure to be part of something else, be part of something else. Make it happen. #turtles #seaturtle #longetivity #blackandgrey #tattoos #nyctattoos #dragonpalace #jurojin #10000years #nyctattooartist #tattoosruletheworld


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