Nampa, United States
Tattooed Taurus warrior queen with May birth flowers! This was a fun rendition. Not just because I LOVE to do a warrior queen of any kind , but because it was so great to see this customer again after a couple years of her working travels elsewhere! It is no secret that I have a genuine and special affinity for those born under the horned astrological sign. It’s true! A substantial number of my most favorite people throughout my lifetime have birthdays within the same 2 weeks! I naturally find Taurus’ hilarious and gravitate to them like a moth to flame. SO, having a Taurus in my chair always makes my day! There are some other star signs I naturally love and some that I know right away are going to be a challenge. Astrology has always interested me. Among other reasons, the similarities between people of the same signs can be profound. Watch the birthdays of those around you, it might be staggering! 😃 I LOVE doing lady tattoos!! To get your own empowering lady tattoo, friendly face, or anything else that makes your heart happy, get your appointments set now! Call or text 208-461-1478 , to get on the schedule now, or fill out a consultation form and we will contact YOU! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5q8GZvAq6ilyRhMuGILytwEdeCvZlgtcMw-7okBypI_CtiA/viewform Can’t wait to see you soon 💕💕 @12thavenuetattoo @tattoosbynina @ally_does_tattoos @incubientreri #12thavenuetattoo #tattoosbynina #idahotattoolady #idahotattooers #idahotattooartist #canyoncountytattoo #nampasbest #colortattoo #nampatattooshop #boise #meridian #nampatattooartist #colortattooartist #astologytattoo #nampatattooer#empowermenttattoo #ladytattoo #warriorwomantattoo #femaletattooartist #auntninasays #taurustattoo