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Tattoo Artists in Waco, United States

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Hard to get a good shot of this one but had a ton of fun doing this one shot knee tiger! Thanks so much Jeremy for the trust! If you wanna book shoot me an email at alicattattoos@gmail.com

#tattoo #tattoos #waco #wacotexas #texastattoo #wacotattoo #wacotattoos #austintattoo #dallastattoo #tigertattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #neotraditional @spellbound.wacoProgress on this #digimon #legsleeve piece for Trey. Thanks for holding strong in some of those spots bud!!! Can’t wait to ruin your day by doing the inside πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ also this song will never leave my head now

#tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #tattooing #digimontattoo #waco #wacotx #wacotexas #wacotattoo #wacotattoos #knowwaco #austintx #austintattoo #dallastx #dallastattooPhoto is a little skewed but I had SO much fun doing this dark mark!! Hufflepuff forever tho πŸ–€πŸ˜

#tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #waco #wacotx #wacotexas #wacotattoo #wacotattoos #knowwaco #harrypotter #darkmarktattoo #deatheaters #neotraditional #neotraditionaltattooA strawberry filler πŸ–€πŸ–€

#tattoo #tattoos #girlswithtattoos #strawberry #strawberrytattoo #waco #wacotx #wacotattoo #wacotattoos #knowwaco #austintx #austintattoo #dallastattoo #dallastx
Alicia aka Ali

Alicia aka Ali

@alicat_tattoosβ€’4.4K followers
guess how long this tattoo took me to do.. 
10 out of 10 loved doing this tattoo! it was so fun - would love to more metallic like objects~ im booking march - message me to get in 😎😎 

#wacotattoo #realismtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #wacotx #baylor #baylorbears #belton #templetx #killeentattoos #dfwtattoo #hillsborotx #waxahachie #georgetown #austintattoo #denton #houstontxstylized after the creation of adam. some fine line I forgor to post. this was fun to do. booking february!

#denton #abq #austin #waco #finelinetattoo #fineline #wacoan #wacotattoo #killeentexas #templetx #beltontx #austintattooartist #dfwtattoosoyster with a pearl for sweet @trashink_tattoos πŸ₯Ή this tattoo was in honour of her family member πŸ™ thanks for letting me do such a meaningful tat Angela! my march dates are booking up fast so soon I’ll be booking April, message me to get tattooed~

#oystertattoo #blackandgreytattoo #finelinetattoo #wacotattoo #wacotexas #wacotown #downtownwaco #killeentx #templetx #georgetowntx #dfwtattoo #waxahachie #fineline #tattoo #beltontx #austintattoofinished out jaylons arm, some pieces not by me. we added clouds to tie the background together. always booking realism pieces large or small~

#waco #downtownwaco #wacoan #baylor #mcc #wacotown #killeen #templetx #georgetowntx #austintx #blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #dfwtattoo #dentoning #denton #cameronpark #femaletattooartist
aimee bell

aimee bell

@aimeetattoosβ€’2.5K followers