aimee bell

aimee bell

Waco, United States

2.5K followers@aimeetattoos


☦️ @etctat2 email to book tattooing Waco


guess how long this tattoo took me to do.. 
10 out of 10 loved doing this tattoo! it was so fun - would love to more metallic like objects~ im booking march - message me to get in 😎😎 

#wacotattoo #realismtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #wacotx #baylor #baylorbears #belton #templetx #killeentattoos #dfwtattoo #hillsborotx #waxahachie #georgetown #austintattoo #denton #houstontx
Waco, United States
stylized after the creation of adam. some fine line I forgor to post. this was fun to do. booking february!

#denton #abq #austin #waco #finelinetattoo #fineline #wacoan #wacotattoo #killeentexas #templetx #beltontx #austintattooartist #dfwtattoos
Waco, United States
oyster with a pearl for sweet @trashink_tattoos 🥹 this tattoo was in honour of her family member 🙏 thanks for letting me do such a meaningful tat Angela! my march dates are booking up fast so soon I’ll be booking April, message me to get tattooed~

#oystertattoo #blackandgreytattoo #finelinetattoo #wacotattoo #wacotexas #wacotown #downtownwaco #killeentx #templetx #georgetowntx #dfwtattoo #waxahachie #fineline #tattoo #beltontx #austintattoo
Waco, United States
finished out jaylons arm, some pieces not by me. we added clouds to tie the background together. always booking realism pieces large or small~

#waco #downtownwaco #wacoan #baylor #mcc #wacotown #killeen #templetx #georgetowntx #austintx #blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #dfwtattoo #dentoning #denton #cameronpark #femaletattooartist
Waco, United States
a cover up on this client. didn’t grab the before pic. would love to do some color floral pieces. message to book one! i have openings this week💕💕

#denton #wacotattoo #dfwtattoo #dallastattoo #dentoning #wacoan #wacomoms #killeen #killeentexas #wacohair #wacohappenings #austintattoo #baylor #mcc #beltontexas
Waco, United States
beetle on @trashink_tattoos - this tat is healed and still looking cool as heck. 😎😎 booking february, message to get in while spots are open.


#wacotattoo #tattooshop #wacoan #wacomom #killeen #killeentattoos #killeenhairstylist #georgetown #gatesville #templetx #waco #baylor #baylorbears #mcc #hillsboro #denton #dfwtattoo #nmtattoo #austintattoo #sftattoo #nyctattoo #denvertattoo
Waco, United States
some black and grey for viewing. i would like to do more like this so please message or email to book. lets do something sick 😎😎 also, idk why instagram made this image quality dookie 🙄

#blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #denton #waco #wacotx #wacotown #dfwtattoo #dentontattoos #wacoan #magnoliasilos #killeentattoo #templetx #austintattoo #georgetowntx #baylor
Waco, United States
did this saint michael the other day on stephen! im planning on dropping realism design done at a flat rate for yall - it would be large scale. books always open! 

#realism #blackandgrey #wacotattoo #georgetowntattoo #austintattoo #austin #baylorbears #baylor #magnoliasilos #wacoan #wacomoms #killeentx #killeentattoos #templetattoo #templetx #gatesville #belton #nmtattoo #nyctattoo #downtownwaco #dallastattooartist #dfwtattoo
Waco, United States
clawfoot from my flash the other day! yall should stop by and check out my flash book at @etctat2 😎 booking february.

#wacotattoo #wacotx #baylor #killeentx #georgetowntx #killeentattoos #templetexas #templetattoo #abq #santafe #sftattoo #nyctattoo #traditionaltattoo #mcc #beltontexas #wacotown #downtownwaco
Waco, United States