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Tattoo Artists in Louisville, United States

Discover 1 talented tattoo artists in Louisville. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

Tattoo artworkWhether it's roses that never fade, chocolates that don't melt, permanent jewelry, or a badass skull, get your significant other what they REALLY want this year! šŸ˜‰

Stop in today to buy a gift certificate or put down a deposit to reserve a date.  And don't forget about those $800 Tapout sessions, our financing options, or the awesome local art for sale! 

šŸ“ø by FotoeWizzard Photography


#brotherravenstattoos #inkslingererick  #coverupking #dobetter #awardwinningartist #ashhtatts #fontmaster #femaletattooartist #thormount #theillustratednorthman #sndroart #louisvilletattoos #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvilleloveSolid color pack and precision lines out of @_ashh.tatts on this tattoo - did you expect any less?!

Come by to consult with her or our other fabulous artists TODAY! We've got $800 Tapouts and $3000 3 month contracts available for those looking to get large work done. Don't sleep on these deals! 

#brotherravenstattoos #ashhtatts #fontmaster #IEDApparelsponsored #femaletattooartist #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #louisvilletattooshop #louisvilletattooartist #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove #dragonhawk #adennagloves #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinstaFeel how rubbery your elbow skin is? How hard do you think that is to tattoo? Yet @_ashh.tatts' lines never waver! 

Come by today to consult with her or one of our other fantastic artists about your next tattoo! A $100 cash deposit is all it takes to reserve your appointment for fresh ink! šŸ˜Š


#brotherravenstattoos #ashhtatts #fontmaster #IEDApparelsponsored #femaletattooartist #kytattooers #louisvilletattoos #louisvilletattooshop #louisvilletattooartist #middletownky #keeplouisvilleweird #makelouisvilleweirder #sharelouisville #thingstolou #howwelou #getoutlouisville #yeslouisville #louisvillelove #dragonhawk #adennagloves #peakneedles #recoveryaftercare #inkstagram #tattoodo #inkjunkees #tattoosofinsta
Brother Raven

Brother Raven

@brotherravenstattoosā€¢2.0K followers