Davie Lee Wright tattoo artist

Davie Lee Wright tattoo artist

Dudley, United Kingdom

1.1K followers@thewrightink_tattoos


Tattoo artist/Studio owner. Thewrightink 2 Westfield View, Dudley, NE23 7QE


Another Fleur De Lis style tattoo from today.

#Tattoo #ink #studio #fleurdelis #wolf #colourwork #thewrightinktattoostudio 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Geisha from yesterday Nearly done but still needs a little work.

#geisha #geishatattoo #dragon #tattoo #ink #studio #thighpiece #blkngrytattoo 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Peony flower hand tattoo from today.

#peony #flower #dotwork #handtattoo #tattoo #ink #studio #femaleclient  #tattoophotography 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Eagle from today, clients first tattoo.

#tattoo #blkngrytattoo #Eagle #birdofprey #chest tattoo #daviewrightfacebook 
Dudley, United Kingdom
One from today.

#tattoo #ink #studio #portrait #mask #shading #blkngrytattoo #laughmask #theatre #forearmtattoo #tattoophotography 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Anubis hand tattoo from today.

#Anubis #Egyptiangod #underworld #mumification #history #death #dying #blkngrytattoo #handtattoo #ink #studio #nile  @nile_official
@thewrightink_tattoos @dermaglotattoosuppliesuk #dermaglotattoosuppliesuk 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Spartan warrior space filler from today on the back of clients arm.

#tattoo #spartanwarrior #Spartan #blkngrytattoo #maleclient #armtattoo #spacefiller #ink #studio #tattoophotography 
Dudley, United Kingdom
Dotwork Medusa from yesterday.

#dotwork #medusa #snakes #female #blkngrytattoo #ink #studio #tattoophotography 
Dudley, United Kingdom
More added to clients thigh piece.

#tattoo #ink #studio #thigh #peonyflower #geometric #dotwork #linework
Dudley, United Kingdom
Nine tailed dotwork fox from yesterday.

#tattoo #ink #studio #fox #dotwork #linework #colourwork #armpiece #tattoophotography 
Dudley, United Kingdom