

United Kingdom

3.1K followers@poppaytattoo


◆@poppayputnik Color,BnGrealism


Hi, guys!!! There's important news I have to tell you. At the end of September THE STUDIO IS CLOSING DOWN. Due to family matters and health issues I need to be home for some time. The plan is when things get settled, I'll be back every 3-4 months for guest visits. So we still shall meet with some of you. So there is time till 22-25th September for booking. Customers with ongoing projects being held up for different reasons, don't despere! I'm not migrating to Mars.
United Kingdom
Some jazzy mood lately...Super enjoyed doing this theme. Musicians, artists, scientists, people who changed the course of human civilisation to better at some point. #jazz #jamsessiontattoo #armtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #malmötatuering #malmötattoo #tatueraremalmö #malmöjazz #lundtatuering #tatueringlund #skånetatuering #sverigetatuering #huslebutterdeluxe #cheyennetattooequipment #nordictattoosupplies
United Kingdom