Armand D Saroukos

Armand D Saroukos

Newcastle, United Kingdom



Fineline Tattooer @fernandfossiltattoo Newcastle UK - DM To Book 🫢


Heyyyyy, Happy New Year everyone. πŸŽ‰βœ¨β€οΈ

Let's kickstart our 2025 artistic adventure with some fun designs that I'm dyyyyying to tattoo. My books are now open until March and I'm taking in both flash and custom bookings.

You've all been amaaaazing so far so  I don't plan on raising my rates. Let's get some tattoos added to your collection y'all πŸ’ƒ 

#tattooideas #tattooinspiration #NewcastleTattooStudio #newcastleartscene #NewcastleInk #newcastletattoos #finelinetattooartist #ignorant_tattoos #ignorantstyletattoo #doodlestyletattoo #doodletattoo #fernandfossiltattoo #snaketattoo #moontattoo #spacetattoo #eyetattoo #starstattoo #HeartTattoo #suntattoo #tarottattoo #cooltattoo #inkspiration  #newtattoos #safespacetattooing #GeordieTattoo #NewTattooStudio #tattooappreciation #tattoolife
Newcastle, United Kingdom
Cute fluffy tree for Emma - while ribs are generally a tricky placement for any tattoo, I'm particularly happy with the textures on this one, so thank you Emma for doing so well. I got to play with wild dots again. 🌳

#treetattoo #naturetattoo #FernandFossilStudio #fernandfossiltattoo #botanicaltattoo #ribstattoo #dotworktattoo #newtattoos #NewcastleTattooStudio #NewcastleTattoos #InkLife #inkideas #DelicateTattoos #safespacetattooing #booksopen #blkttt #tattoolife #inklusive #tattooideas
Newcastle, United Kingdom
Umi did it!!! Another member of our tattoo community with a first tattoo β™“β™ˆβ€οΈ 

Cool horoscope blend with ornamental decorations.
I clearly don't know how to edit the swelling down, so here's to honest posts too ☺️

#horoscopetattoo #ariestattoo #piscestattoo #zodiactattoo #spacetattoo #firsttattoo #NewcastleTattooStudio #NewcastleInk #fernandfossiltattoo #NorthEastCreatives #greekartist #inclusivestudio #cooltattoo #finelinetattooartist #FineLineTattoo #tattoogoals #inkedup #InkLife #tattooideas #lovetattoos
Newcastle, United Kingdom