mr heggie

mr heggie

United States

111.0K followers@mr_heggie


Born to raise heck. . No fixed address - currently in USA . Email: .

Portfolio is winter... although dog and I are used to being cold because we are handsome English gentlemen from england... living in texas has absolutely un-acclimated us to cold weather... 

Next time we head out east, I think we should probably aim for a weather season with less snow and blizzards... 

...if I remember to plan ahead

#mrheggie #onlyblacktattoos #onlyblackart #btattooing #blackworkerssubmission #darkart #natureart #wildlifephotography #opposum #fineart #dogstuff
United States
...Britney Spears and dog stuff

....I started trying to go through my photos today.. I have a painful amount of tattoos that I haven't gotten around to posting from over the past two years... to be fair though.. these dogs are extremely distracting 

#mrheggie #onlyblacktattoos #onlyblackart #btattooing #darkart #blackworkerssubmission #Britney #dog #wildlifephotography #naturephotography
United States
...every time I go to make a post, one of these ding dang dogs distracts me 

#mrheggie #onlyblackart #btattooing #blackworkerssubmission #mcr #frog #dogs #wildlifephotography #naturephotography
United States and dog need to find a hobby in Austin... 

#mrheggie #onlyblacktattoos #onlyblackart #btattooing #blackworkerssubmission #darkart #howdy #Cowboy #cowboys #texas #unicorn #fantasyart #landscape #wildlifeart #naturephotography
United States far 2025 has been a lot of painting and not going outside... diary for austin will be opening soon... I'll post on here when I have specific dates ready... along with some super special new flash stuff of these ding dang dogs keeps farting at me

#mrheggie #onlyblacktattoos #onlyblackart #btattooing #blackworkerssubmission #darkart #wildlifephotography #borntoraiseheck #bear #dog #atx #cowboys #Cowboy #natureart #texas #naturepainting #landscape #naturephotography
United States
...thank you Sarah for gifting these bandanas to dog... he is now extra double special handsome young man about town

And thank you for letting me tattoo the back of your frickin knee.... filling a void next to @mikeboydtattoos ...stacked out of order with @jodydawber 

#mrheggie #onlyblacktattoos #onlyblackart #btattooing #darkart #wildlifephotography #dog #dogfashion
United States