

Doncaster, United Kingdom


Resident artists @bethcust @jodieericaart Junior Artist @jessicaeve_tattoo Resident piercer @twentyninepiercing


I got to do this hobbit hole recently ๐ŸŒฑ (swipe for better anglez and a moving pic) Thankyou so much for the trust with this one! I had loads of fun creating it and would love to do more stuff like this pleaseee :)

#tattooapprentice #tattooapprenticeship #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #availableflash #availabletattoo #tattoodesign #flashday #blackandgreytattoo #stippletattoo #dotworktattoo #finelinetattoo #tattoo #tattooing #femaletattooartist #instagood #tattoosofinstagram #apprenticeratestattoo ##leafytattoos #doncastertattoo #yorkshiretattoo #hobbithole #hobbitholetattoo #lotrtattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Lovely fox done from my flash! ๐ŸฆŠ๐ŸŒฟ Thanks so much Ellie for trusting me with this! I loved giving him a forever home, animal tattoos always please๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

#juniortattooartist  #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #availableflash #availabletattoo #tattoodesign #flashday #blackandgreytattoo #stippletattoo #dotworktattoo #finelinetattoo #tattoo #tattooing #femaletattooartist #instagood #tattoosofinstagram #doncastertattoo #yorkshiretattoo#funtattoo #floraltattoo
#leafytattoo #naturetattoo #delicatetattoo #whimsicaltattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
The sweetest little row of bunnies ๐Ÿฐ Loved doing this meaningful one thanks for the trust Lexi! Always up for smaller tattoos ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

#juniortattooartist  #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #availableflash #availabletattoo #tattoodesign #flashday #blackandgreytattoo #stippletattoo #dotworktattoo #finelinetattoo #tattoo #tattooing #femaletattooartist #instagood #tattoosofinstagram #doncastertattoo #yorkshiretattoo#funtattoo #floraltattoo #delicatetattoo #whimsicaltattoo #meaningfultattoos #bunnytattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Had the most fun doing this big cherry blossom back piece the other day for the lovely Summer! ๐ŸŒธ We had such a fun day and are already thinking of adding some more to this! Swipe for pics as I obviously couldn't just get one good one ๐Ÿซ 

#juniortattooartist  #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #availableflash #availabletattoo #tattoodesign #flashday #blackandgreytattoo #stippletattoo #dotworktattoo #finelinetattoo #tattoo #tattooing #femaletattooartist #instagood #tattoosofinstagram #doncastertattoo #yorkshiretattoo#funtattoo #floraltattoo
#leafytattoo #naturetattoo #delicatetattoo #whimsicaltattoo #cherryblossom #cherryblossomtattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
I got to turn one of my lil illustrations into a tattoo and I really enjoyed it! ๐Ÿณ It was so fun to add a bit of blue throughout, more like this pleease! Thank you for the trust lovely ๐Ÿค

#juniortattooartist  #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #availableflash #availabletattoo #tattoodesign #flashday #blackandgreytattoo #stippletattoo #dotworktattoo #finelinetattoo #tattoo #tattooing #femaletattooartist #instagood #tattoosofinstagram #doncastertattoo #yorkshiretattoo#funtattoo #floraltattoo
#leafytattoo #naturetattoo #delicatetattoo #colourtattoo #whaletattoo #whimsicaltattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
2 additions added on to this chest peice 
How cute are these guys tho!! 

Done @limited_edition_tattoo_studio 

Message me or the shop to get booked in! 

#tattooideas #tattoo #tattooartist #tattooart #tattoo #tattoostyle  #yorkshiretattoo #doncastertattoo #instagram #instagood #art #femaletattooartist #tattooideas #tattoosofinstagram
#chesttattoo #shouldertattoo #frogtattoo #snailtattoo #neotraditonal #neotradtattoo #color
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Some stil images of this one as the algorithm apparently hates my reels! Hard to get good pics as it was super swollen and sore. 

Done using @inkdoctortattoo products 

#neotradanimaltattoo #tradanimaltattoo #animaltattoo #cattattoo #wildcattattoo #wildcat #tattoo #tattooinspo ##tattoodesign #tattoosofinstagram #tattoooftheday #doncastertattoo #doncastertattoostudio #traditionalartist #southyorkshiretattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Stills of the lady I did for Beckie based on references she had found โ˜บ๏ธ more like this please! 

#ladytattoo ##prettytattoos #pretty #gypsylady ##gypsyladytattoo #doncaster #doncastertattoo #southyorkshiretattoo #blackworkartists ##blackworktattoo #tattooinspo #tattooinspiration #tattoowork #tattoostyle #tattoosofinstagram #tattoo #girlytattoo #femaleartist #femaletattooartist #ladytattooers
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Some little birdies done recently โ˜บ๏ธ always down to tattoo birds! Super fun โ˜บ๏ธ

#birdsofinstagram #birdtattoo #birdstagram #prettytattoo #blackandgreytattoo #tattoo ##doncastertattoo #tattoooftheday #tattoosofinstagram #ladytattooers #femaleartist #femaletattooartist #southyorkshiretattoo #smalltattoo
Doncaster, United Kingdom
This one gave me a headache but it was worth it in the end ๐Ÿ˜… he sat like a rock too which always helps! 

#tattoo #blackworktattoo #blackwork ##cooltattoos #tattooideas #tattooinspo #southyorkshiretattoo #lineworktattoo #tattoostyle #tattoosofinstagram #tattoooftheday #doncastertattoo #doncastertattoostudio #traditionalartist #boldtattoos #prettytattoos
Doncaster, United Kingdom