Klem Diglio

Klem Diglio

Milan, Italy

29.6K followers@klem_diglio


Tattooing @mansruintattoomilano Bass: @fulcicult


I’m so happy to have tattooed @nomore_mr_niceboi_ ! Our tattoo choice could only be “Cause of Death “by @obituaryband 😅! Edo, besides being a great friend of mine and the drummer of @fulcicult —the band we play in together—is also a great guy, dedicated to hard work! A young man, a great example, and a very professional person! Excited to share the stage with him in our upcoming shows! Edo rules and fulci lives!
Done in one of the best in town @mansruintattoomilano
Milan, Italy
Fun one on @figagf done two weeks ago at @homeless_tattoo_piercing 
Inspired by the work of @mikeyrots
Milan, Italy
☠️🌊drawn on at @homeless_tattoo_piercing two weeks ago.
Thank you so much!!
Milan, Italy
Some progress on @zambeast ‘s leg.
Stargate drawn on at @blackpanda_tattoo bologna
Milan, Italy
Tattoos i did last week in rome at @psycho_tattoo_studio and @swansongtattoo 
The first one on the super talented @federico_onel 🙏
The second one on the @alessandrasbreglia (“Thank you for having me in your fantastic collection!!”)
Milan, Italy
@boltthrower._  on @claudiofrag.ttt 
Done at @blackpanda_tattoo 2 weeks ago!
Milan, Italy
Fun filler for massi!
Drawn on at @homeless_tattoo_piercing
Milan, Italy
Wizard done last week.
Drawn on at @homeless_tattoo_piercing
Milan, Italy
Dal 2 fino al 9 di marzo, saro’in giro fra la Toscana e l’Umbria. Se sei interessato a tatuarti ,mandami un messaggio in privato🤘🤝

2/3 marzo @longlivetattooing san casciano v.p.(Fi)
4/5 marzo @lvbtattoo arezzo 
6/7 marzo @skullsociety_tattooshop perugia
8  marzo @moderntattooinglucca
Milan, Italy