Karol Czajkowski

Karol Czajkowski

Bergen, Norway

585 followers@karolczajkowski


Tattooist and tattoo collector. @mechainktattoostudio in Bergen, Norway. Open for guest spot.


The sleeve in process. Stay tuned for more πŸ™‚Done at @mechainktattoostudio Thanx @sassypinktattoo for trust πŸ™πŸ» #gipsytattoo #sphinxtattoo #sphinxcattattoos #catskulltattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #neotraditionaltattoos #neotraditionaltattooers #neotradtattoo #neotraditional #sleevetattoo #tattooforgirls #bergentattoo #mechainktattoostudio #tattoobergen #tatovering #tattoo #tatuaje
Bergen, Norway
Done at @mechainktattoostudio #skulltattoo #deathtattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #neotraditionalskulltattoo #mechainktattoostudio #bergentattoo #tatovering #deathonholidaytattoo #colortattoo
Bergen, Norway
I am very happy that my works and I will be featured in the next issue of @globaltattoomag . Big thanks to Global Tattoo Magazine and to all my clients for their trust. I am motivated to continue working and developing :)
@karolczajkowski @globaltattoomag @mechainktattoostudio @sassypinktattoo @fattylukee @agnes_ciocia_z_norwegii @odanordoen @wariat_presto_presto #bergentattoo #mechainktattoostudio #globaltattoomag #tatovering
Bergen, Norway
Coverup. Done at @mechainktattoostudio .
@mechainktattoostudio @karolczajkowski @globaltattoomag @wipeitoffwipes #skulltattoo #skulltattoos #skullandrosestattoo #skullandroses #coveruptattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #newschooltattoo #bergentattoo #tatovering #tattoo #tatuaje
Bergen, Norway
Kitsune. Done at @mechainktattoostudio #kitsunetattoo #kitsune #foxtattoo #bergentattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #armortattoo
Bergen, Norway