Jordan Clarke

Jordan Clarke

Tiverton, United Kingdom


Grindstone tattoo emporium, Tiverton 🇬🇧member of diamond tattoo crew 💎guest spots/conventions soon ⚔ personal:@thedevilsadvocatee 👹👹 just a degenerate


Ruined Marty's day today slamming his chest with these lines! A lot more work to go yet! Cheers dude! #southwesttattooers #traditionaltattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #blackworkers #chesttattoo #guyswithtattoos
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Bit of Blackwork from the other day, fun addition to a leg I'm working on! #Blackwork #blackworktattoo #lighthouse #legtattoo #girlswithtattoos #traditionaltattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #southwesttattooers
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Managed to lay the lines down on this cover up earlier this week #japanesetattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #traditionaltattoo #southwesttattooers #guyswithtattoos #tattoo #inked #skindeep
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Tattoo artwork
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Dotwork hand piece from a while back, not the best photo and work on the arm not done by me #blackwork #dotworktattoo #handtattoo #traditionaltattoo #girlswithtattoos #southwesttattooers
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Nout like a handjob on a cold ass day 👊🏻👊🏻
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Fun gap filler on a leg behind some old tattoos! #tattoo #traditionaltattoo #legtattoo #guyswithtattoos #southwesttattooers
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Had the pleasure of doing a very meaningful design for one of our countries very own ex marines! More to be added soon but say like a champ especially for the armpit! Member of @diamondtattoosupplies team!
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Gnarly lil job stopper! #southwesttattooers #handtattoo #horrortattoo #traditionaltattoo
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Got some lines down on this gnarly cover up sleeve! #southwesttattooers #swtc #southwesttattoocollective #tattoosdaily #guyswithink #guyswithtattoos #girlswithtattoos #blackwork
Tiverton, United Kingdom
Another @dereklaufman piece I got to tattoo a while back! #guyswithtattoos #legsleevetattoo #marveltattoo #daredevil #southwesttattooers #traditionaltattoo
Tiverton, United Kingdom