cory speciale

cory speciale

Pittsburgh, United States

4.6K followers@coryspeciale.ttt


@threeriverstattoo pittsburgh, pa 📧


a portrait of someones mom
Pittsburgh, United States
still have to do background, but pretty much tied up the main image
Pittsburgh, United States
lord of the underworld
thanks jesse, for sitting for 37 hours straight with not even a bathroom break and for sleeping the entire time 

#blackandgrey #tattoo #hadestattoo #greektattoo #portrait #kwadron #pittsburgh #pittsburghtattoo #threerivers #threeriverstattoo
Pittsburgh, United States
a little diddie
Pittsburgh, United States
happy halloween
Pittsburgh, United States
old enough to party
•healed a long while•
from the archives

#mclovin #portrait #superbad #portraittattoo #blackandgrey #mclovintattoo
Pittsburgh, United States
first day on this leg
thanks jesse, you’re the man
Pittsburgh, United States
first sitting of a bigger piece
Pittsburgh, United States
Pittsburgh, United States
a burd
Pittsburgh, United States
ill be tattooing at the @villainarts @philadelphiatattooartsfestival this month
•email or dm me to book with me•
hope to see you there

#philadelphia #philadelphiatattoo #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #realism #portraittattoo #horrortattoo
Pittsburgh, United States