Chris Walkin

Chris Walkin

Lake Charles, United States

6.3K followers@chriswalkin


I love biomech and Japanese tattooing. Iron Cypress Tattoo Lake Charles Louisiana. Please no DMs. To contact me, please check out


Finished up Genbu to complete the upper suit... thank you again David for coming down.  We'd finished the arms and chest a couple (few) years ago. Some long days and great conversations in there.  Cheers!
#genbu #backpiece #bodysuit #japanesetattoo #dragon #sakura #phenix #tattoo #irezumi #lakecharles #ironcypress #louisianatattoo #irezumicollective
Lake Charles, United States
Here are some still shots of the coverup Tennin on the day we finished up.  Didn't include the before shot to show the coverup, but it's in the reel.  Cheers!
#tennin #angel #tattoo #japanesetattoo #illustration #coverup #ironcypress #louisianatattoo #lakecharles
Lake Charles, United States