Cast of Crowns Art Collective

Cast of Crowns Art Collective

Laguna Beach, United States

15.5K followers@castofcrowns


⚜️Fine Art Driven Tattoos ⚜️Art Gallery @lagunagoldpiercing ✨APP Member Body Piercing @firstthursdaysartwalk 🌊 Laguna Beach, CA (949) 715-7304


Hello, Laguna Beach! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be guest working at Cast of Crowns Art Collective @castofcrowns in Laguna Beach from February 14th to 17th. I can’t wait to work in this beautiful city and meet you all! Please send your requests through the link in my bio(mention Laguna Beach please), and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Also my books open for LA! Link in my bio to submit a request!💕
Laguna Beach, United States
I’ve been a little out of it and under the weather the past week but here’s a sweet tattoo I got to do weeks ago that I never shared.  This a fun one and close to home cause he wanted to capture mountain vibe from where he grew up, and a place I love hiking and exploring growing up too. Up in the wrightwood wilderness. The san Gabriel mountains. It was fun to capture a little scene of nature 🌲 let me know how you think I did 🫶🏼 i have available scattered throughout this month I would love to do something fun with you guys ✨ stay blessed.
Laguna Beach, United States