Jesse Flock

Jesse Flock

United States

5.1K followers@brokeass_tattoo


Tattoo Artist @newagetattoos I love doing anime/neotrad TO BOOK OR AVAILABILITY- come by the shop BOOKS OPEN


What’s your favorite #ghibli movie?!
-I couldn’t be happier with the level of freedom I’ve been given this past year to create huge colorful tattoos. You guys are amazing, thank you

Colored with @fkirons  fluxmax

Howls moving castle leg piece for Collin. Experimented with a new way to photograph this tattoo based on some research. There is no filter on this, but a slight increase to exposure to counteract the dark room. Tell me what you think!

#howlsmovingcastle #turniphead #color #legtattoo #fullcolortattoo #ink #anime #animetattoo #animemasterink
United States
I’m very honored to be voted Illinois Times Best Tattoo artist 2024. With only 6 years of tattooing experience it feels amazing to know I have such a supportive clientele and community around me. I’ve been part of the @newagetattoos family since I was almost 5 and it’s crazy to think that eventually I would become a tattoo artist alongside the people I looked up to so much. It’s been a wonderful 6 years and I’m ready for many more. Thank you everyone who voted for me and continue to book appointments with me! It’s more appreciated than you know.
United States
Skulls are cool
United States
Here’s a wild coverup I had the chance to do. The head and background are all healed in these pics. Swipe to see the original! I was down a camera light here so they’re a tad on the shadowy side
 Can you see any of the original?
Will try to eventually get a healed pic

Done with Flux max by @fkirons and supplies from @kingpintattoosupply
United States
Gap filler astronaut for @palmtree699 space designs are definitely on the harder side but I had fun with this more colorful style!

Done @newagetattoos 
Supplies and pigments from @kingpintattoosupply 
Done with flux max from @fkirons
United States