Bound for Glory Tattoo

Bound for Glory Tattoo

United States

14.3K followers@boundforglory_nyc


@nickcarusotattoo @mikeb_bfg @daveborjes_bfg @tomconnors__bfg @jtmiller__ @juicycauldron @franciscobrowntattoo Piercing by @ipricku


Join our Friday 14th @boundforglory_nyc Valentines special walk in 12-8 see shop post for details
United States
Tattoo by @daveborjes_bfg - Message him directly to set something up  #daveborjestattoo #boundforglorytattoo #skulltattoo #skullandcrossbones
United States
Tattoo by @mikeb_bfg - to make an appointment with Mike, message him directly #mikebeetattoo #statenislandtattoo #boundforglorytattoo #mouthofsauron #lotrtattoo #statenislandtattooshop
United States
Tattoo by @mikeb_bfg - to make an appointment with Mike, message him directly #mikebeetattoo #statenislandtattoo #boundforglorytattoo #ladyhead #girlhead #statenislandtattooshop
United States
Tattoo by @jtmiller__ to set up an appointment with Jeremy, email him directly at: #uncleremmytattoo #boundforglorytattoo #statenislandtattoo #girlhead #girlheadtattoo #traditionaltattoo
United States
Tattoo by @juicycauldron - Message him directly to set something up  #boundforglorytattoo #statenislandtraditional #tigertattoo #traditionaltattoo #juicycauldron #statenisland
United States
Tattoo by @nickcarusotattoo to make an appointment with Nick, message him directly or send him an email at #nickcarusotattoo #boundforglorytattoo #kirin #kirintattoo #irezumi
United States
Tattoo by @tomconnors__bfg - to make an appointment with Tom, e-mail: #tomconnorstattoo #boundforglorytattoo #catwoman
United States