Bluff City Tattoo Memphis Tennessee

Bluff City Tattoo Memphis Tennessee

Memphis, United States

7.9K followers@bluffcitytattoo


Modern, Electric Tattooing And Professional Body Piercing. Walk-ins Welcome The Edge Districts Oldest Tattoo Studio Memphis, Tennessee Tues-Sat 12-8


Tattooed 4 rats in the last two weeks. 
Rats are now. 
Rats are the moment. 
Love loved doing this one-off for one of my favs. Thank you for letting me blast your shin @parkerewebb ☺️ #tattoo #colortattoo #rattattoo #rat #vampire #qttr #memphis #transtattoo #901 #memphistattooartist
Memphis, United States
Happy rainy Saturday, here’s something to brighten your day, from resident artist @cole_pittman #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
Hey, it’s Tuesday, are yall ready for the snow storm? Here’s something from resident artist @roger_seliner_tattoo #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
TGIFriday, here’s something new from resident artist @kumathetattooer #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
Happy Thursday yall, here’s something from resident artist @kumathetattooer #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
Happy@Monday instagram, here’s something from resident artist @brenthaletattooer #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
Happy Friday, did you see this one from resident artist @cole_pittman #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States
It’s a bright sunny day, and here’s one from resident artist @brenthaletattooer #tattoo #bluffcity #bluffcitytattoo #memphis #memphistattoo #memphistattooshop #memphistattoostudio  #tennessee #tennesseetattoostudio #tn #tntattoo #tntattoostudio #901 #choose901 #weare901  #bom #bestofmemphis #memphisisit #edgedistrict #memphisedgedistrict
Memphis, United States