Benjamin Moss

Benjamin Moss

Berlin, Germany

4.1K followers@benjaminmosstattoo


It/That Thing Injecting burnt carbon illustrations into the flesh since 1997. Apocalypse Tattoo, Berlin Germany, Worldwide @apocalypsetattoo @kwadron


#healedtattoo #nofilter pic of this #alterego #tattoo in #bergen #norway not posted on #instagram yet... #blackandgrey #blacktattoo #benjaminmosstattoo #apocalypsetattoo #berlintattoo #berlintattooers #germantattooers #norwaytattoo #bergentattoo #scandinaviantattooers #twinpeaks #portraittattoo #darkart #today #śmierć
Berlin, Germany
Final enhance session on @sticky_fingaz ‘s deep sea fish inspired demon woman (scroll for action!) #chestpaneltattoo #partfreshparthealed . I’ll post healed pics after the new parts settle in. 

#demonictattoo #demontattoo #tentacleporn #deepseafishing #chesttattoo #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgrey #bng #darkart #darkartists #eviltattoo #nippletatoo #tattooednipple #tattooednipplesociety #tattooednippleclub #tonguelure #berlintattoo #kwadronneedles #berlintattooers #germantattooers #friedrichshain
Berlin, Germany
Still pics of Pierre’s Vulture Skull Tattoo … project will be continued, connecting to the upper arm🦴🦴🦴

On @petitpaspierre 
#vulture #vultureskull #lappetfacedvulture #vulturetattoo #birdskulltattoo #animalskulltattoo #bonetattoo #bioorganictattoo #eviltattoo #darkart #darkartists #darkarts #darkarttattoo #blackandgrey #bkackandgreytattoo #berlintattoo #berlintattooers #berlintattooartist #kwadron #realistictattoo #skulltattoo #benjaminmoss #neverenoughskulls
Berlin, Germany