Brandon Collins 彫 水

Brandon Collins 彫 水

United States

8.9K followers@bcollinstattoo


Award Losing Tattooer - Nomad - 🏳️‍🌈 📍- @lastingdosetattoo 🇺🇸 ✈️ - @life_nomadic 🎙️- @lifenomadicpodcast


LOOK ALIVE RENO! I will be tattooing at @lastingdosetattoo for the remainder of 2023!! Thanks @mike_curatello_tattoos for putting up with my waky nomadic life! If you have been hesitant about starting a new project as I’m always on the road, NOW IS THE TIME to pull the trigger!! Let’s start something super cool or finish a current project. Message me here or send me an email (I never check Facebook) to book an appointment. 
Tattoo I did on @a_mill91 a few weeks back. Thanks dude for letting me do something cool on you! 

#bcollinstattoo #shagbuilt #dynamicblack #tattoosnob #lastingdosetattoo #foodogtattoo #irezumi #chesttatt #japanesetattoos  #hustlebutterdeluxe
United States