Artrageous Ink

Artrageous Ink

Green Bay, United States

2.1K followers@artrageousinktattoo


Artrageous Ink, home to Green Bay Laser Center, has been Northeast Wisconsin’s leading tattoo and laser studio since 1995.


Tiger lady done by Brady B today! Thank you! @artrageousink @artrageousbuckman @bbuckmanrggb #artrageousink #blackandgreytattoo #tigertattoo #tigerlady #tigerladytattoo
Green Bay, United States
Some more fishes from @bbuckmanrggb !!
Green Bay, United States
Fun cheetah done by @bradybuckmantattoo recently. He always looking to do more of the big cats, call to schedule your  appointment #greenbaytattoo #wildlifetattoo #bigcat #artrageousink #witattooers #blackandgreytattoos
Green Bay, United States