ArtHouse Tattoo Austin

ArtHouse Tattoo Austin

Austin, United States

3.7K followers@arthousetattooaustin


CUSTOM TATTOO STUDIO Turning ideas into custom tattoos, because we can! Inking since 1996 Celtic / Norse, Traditional, Japanese, Fantasy, Cover-Ups


It feels like a contemporary remake of The Parent Trap movie. One sister is on a film set accompanied by mom, and another one is with dad getting her latest tattoo from him. Perfect twist, isn’t it? Like keep the idea but make it modern 🤩🤗 #theparenttrap #sistersister #sistersister👭 #modernfamily #newtattoo #freshink #freshtattoo #dragontattoo #legtattoo #legtattoos #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #austintattoo #austintattoos #atxtattoo #atxtattoos #austintattooshop #atxtattooshop #austintattooartist #austintattooartists #atxtattooartist #customtattoo #customtattoos #austin #austintexas #austintx #atx #tattoolover #tattoolovers #tattooaddict
Austin, United States
Custom half sleeve and chest plate Celtic tattoo in progress.. Can you come up with a better way to celebrate Scottish heritage? We think not. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Austin, United States
The beginning of this exciting full sleeve /chest plate Celtic tattoo project featuring family crest is honor of Mr. C’s Scottish heritage. The full layout planned ahead,  the natural flow of the design proves just right. Whatcha think? #celtic #celts #celticheritage #celtictattoo #celticsleeve #sleevetattoo  #sleevetattoos #armtattoo #armtattoos #chesttattoo #chesttattoos #vikingtattoo #vikingtattoos #scottish #scottishheritage #norse #norsetatoo #customtattoo #customtattoos #austintattooartist #austintattooartists #austintattoo #austintattoos #atxtattoo #atxtattooshop #austinlifestyle #austinlife
Austin, United States
Happy National Tattoo Day, you guys! How many tattoos you have, and which one of these is your most favorite? #nationaltattooday #tattoo #tattoos #customtattoo #tattooartist #tattooshop #tattoostuduo #tattooshopnearme #customtattoos #chstomtattooartist #austintattoo #austintattoos #atxtattoo #atxtattoos #halfsleeve #halfsleevetattoo #tattoolifestyle
Austin, United States