

New Zealand

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Healed / fresh  spicy 🌶️ spot. Swipe for details
New Zealand
Fallen Icarus
New Zealand
Always fun to translate these old renaissance paintings. The Delphic Sybil -Michelangelo
New Zealand
Some ideas , keen to do some similar. Some have been spoken for already 🙏
New Zealand
Thanks Geena for sitting well on this spicy spot. From my flash sheet
New Zealand
Day 3/3 of this big dragon 🐉 for Chloe. Tuff spot. Thanks for sticking it through and finishing this in record time
New Zealand
Some recents not so recent , am still healing my shoulder and am taking things slow for now. 🖤
New Zealand
Still version of this split Hannya. Love doing these
New Zealand
Grim Reaper from flash sheet … thanks for the trust Chloe
New Zealand
Some details on this work in progress leg sleeve Nathan. Inspired by some of his Peruvian ancestry. We made a Goddess with Hispanic influence  and a Jaguar with a jungle theme for the rest. SWIPE FOR DETAILS
New Zealand
From my flash. Have more designs available. Dm to claim
New Zealand
Double up cherubs for Francesca from a little while ago
New Zealand