Chris Hill

Chris Hill

Belfast, United Kingdom

14.2K followers@armslikewings


Co conspirator at the one and only, Electric Leopard Tattoo, Belfast. Personal account- @sam_n_chris


Connor is hardcore. Dedication and determination pulled this project together over the last few months. I never take for granted the struggle clients endure to complete these large scale projects. 
Anyways, what were your thoughts on Alien Romulus? 

#avp #alienromulus  #alienvspredator #alienmovie 
#japanesetattoo #eltbelfast #electrocleopardtattoo @thebundorantattooconvention
Belfast, United Kingdom
2025. This is fine. 

#eltbelfast #electricleopardtattoo
Belfast, United Kingdom
I’m back baby! 

I am refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to rock. Booking for March/April now. Slide up in my DMs, let me make you even more beautiful than you already are!

#eltbelfast #electricleopardtattoo
Belfast, United Kingdom
Private Hudson Namakubi on the homie @connor___1991 
I’d love to do some more pop culture severed heads!

#alien #hudson #gameoverman #japanesetattoo #eltbelfast #electricleopardtattoo
Belfast, United Kingdom
Go get your knife, go get your knife, and come in. 

#eltbelfast #electricleopardtattoo
Belfast, United Kingdom