Andrew Zenga

Andrew Zenga

Amsterdam, Netherlands

2.0K followers@andrew.zenga


•Italian Tattoo Artist Amsterdam based🇳🇱 •DM me for bookings and consultations📩 •Available for guest anywhere in this galaxy🪐


Venus, Botticelli, and a 3 round liner 
4 hours of focused work to bring this cutie alive at @zeitgeist.studio_ 

These are the kind of pieces I love creating, so if you have an idea, even just a spark, let’s talk. I’d love to bring more projects like this to life 

Thanks to for the amazing skin and idea 🫶🏻

#Microrealism #FineLineTattoo #MicroRealisticTattoo #RealisticTattoo #ArtOnSkin #InkedMasterpiece #BotticelliTattoo #VenusTattoo #RenaissanceArt #ClassicalArtTattoo #AmsterdamTattoo #TattooArtistAmsterdam #AmsterdamInked #NetherlandsTattoo #TattooArt #TattooStudio #TattooInspo #TattooLife #InkedCommunity
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Take care of what is left
take care of this lovely bones.🦋

#skulltattoo #butterflytattoo #dotwork #tattoooftheday #inked #tattooartist #tattooideas #tattoolife #butterflyskull #amsterdamtattoo #amsterdamtattooartist #tattooamsterdam #darkarttattoo #blackworktattoo #tattooinspiration #inkedmag
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Who is she 🦇?

For this cutie I used two needles (3RL and 14MSE) and my tears as ink because I was so happy to do it that I cried.
Swipe through to check the details!

Inspired by Mark Molchan’s illustration.

#blackwork #tattooamsterdam #darkart #surrealtattoo #abstracttattoo #darkartist #blackandgreytattoo #darktattoo #finelinetattoo #lineworktattoo #blackink #blackinktattoo #illustrativetattoo #shadingtattoo #tattooartist #amsterdamtattoo #amsterdamink #amsterdamtattooartist #amsterdamart #tattoolife #tattooinspiration #inkedmag #tattoodesign #skinartmag #tattooworld #bodyarttattoo #inkedvibes #artcollector
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Some say moths are drawn to light because they are connected to the afterlife, others say it’s simply because they’re not the ones paying the bills. 

#tattoo #mothtattoo #darkartists #amsterdamtattoo #tattooamsterdam #ink #dotwork #dotworktattoo
Amsterdam, Netherlands
When I started tattooing, I didn’t know how much I would grow and improve, I’m grateful for my journey and I’m greatful to each one of you for putting your trust in my hands over the past seven years. If I am at this point today, it’s also thanks to every inch of skin you’ve gifted me 🤍
Thank you to my sweet @paarthania for this amazing Medusa, which is one of my favorite tattoo so far!
And thanks to my friend @nick3xl, with whom I’m starting another exciting chapter at @zeitgeist.studio_
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is what happened last time I tattooed @hairbydalee 🔥

I did both tattoos with a 3rl needle in a daily session.

#liontattoo #tattooamsterdam #amsterdamtattooartist #tattooart #amsterdaminked #amsterdamtattoo #lionink #blackandgreytattoo #inkedamsterdam #tattooculture #inkedlife #tattooaddict #tattooedpeople #tattooideas #tattoocommunity #tattoooftheday #eyetattoo #lion
Amsterdam, Netherlands
A natural pearl takes about 3 years to form, a reminder that beautiful things take time.
“Girl with a Pearl Earring” - Vermeer (1666)

#girlwithapearlearring #vermeer #vermeertattoo #arttattoo #classicalarttattoo #inked #tattooartist #amsterdamtattoo #amsterdamtattooartist #tattooamsterdam #classictattoo #famousart #tattoooftheday #dotworktattoo #blackandgreytattoo #tattooideas #tattooinspiration #customtattoo #blackworktattoo #finearttattoo #inkedmag #artworktattoo #tattoolife #bodyart
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Volevo le ali di Pegaso.

#pegasustattoo #dotworktattoo #dotworkpegasus #blackworktattoo #mythologytattoo #tattoooftheday #inked #tattooartist #tattooideas #amsterdamtattoo #amsterdamtattooartist #tattooamsterdam #darkarttattoo #dotworkart #mythicalcreature #blackworkdesign #dotworkartists #inkedmag #blackandgreytattoo #customtattoo #tattooinspiration #bodyart #tattoolife #inkedlife #pegasusart #blackworktattooartist
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Who is your keyholder? 🗝️

In this design created for @hadeypup , I combined the statue of Antinous as Dionysus with the Carrera chastity belt (Hadey’s Idea) and I’m fkn’ obsessed with it!

This tattoo is a blend of fine lines and micro-realism, crafted with a 5RL needle.
DM me to book your next tattoo or i’ll cry.

Chi tiene la tua chiave? 🗝️

In questo design creato per @hadeypup , ho combinato la statua di Antinoo come Dioniso con la cintura di castità Carrera (idea di Hadey), e ne sono ossessionato!

Questo tatuaggio è un mix di linee sottili e microrealismo, realizzato con un ago 5RL,

Scrivimi in DM per prenotare il tuo prossimo tatuaggio altrimenti piango.

#tattoo #tattoos #tattooartist #tattooart #finelinetattoo #microrealism #blackwork #realismtattoo #inked #tattooinspiration #amsterdamtattoo #amsterdamtattoos #amsterdamtattooartist #tattooamsterdam #tattooartistamsterdam #amsterdamink #amsterdamfinelinetattoo #amsterdamrealism #antinous #dionysus #greekstatue #mythologytattoo #chastitybelt #kinktattoo #mythologyart #finelineblackwork #finelinemicrorealism
Amsterdam, Netherlands