

Trollhättan, Sweden

1.1K followers@andreaananiatattooer


Owner and resident at @graffitiinktattoos Alingsås 🇮🇹🇸🇪 @riversideclassictattoo Trollhättan @officialiqtattoocare ProTeam


Drop in of today at @graffitiinktattoos Today J ask for available time, J got to the shop and trust the tattooer(Me), J asked for a badass shark, J got a badass tattoo in a badass spot, J didn t complain at all, J payed the tattoo with a big smile, J thanks me and left promising to come back soon and get more tattoos: BE J! 🤣🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #badasstattoos #sharktattoo #alingsås #traditionaltattoo #oldschooltattoo #colortattoo #californiantattoo #begood #thanks #amazingcustomers #coilsmachine
Trollhättan, Sweden
Space girl for @ww.ink2 #spacegirl #spaceinvasion #space #spacetattoo #graffitiinktattoo #riversideclassic #alingsås #trollhättan #keepitreal
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks @jessicaramsmo to pass by to say hello at @riversideclassictattoo last night. #trollhättan #riversideclassictattoo #swedentattoo #scorpiontattoo #oldschooltattoo #traditionaltattoo
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks @emilaspang #goodreference #pinterest #makeitoriginal #cowboy #traditionaltattoo #oldschooltattoo #cactus #western #spaghettiwestern
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks @sweapone and good luck #luck #luckytattoo #traditionaltattoo #ldschooltattoo #alingsås #alingsåscentrum #buonafortuna #horseshoe
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks Ralle #timeismoney #getrichordietryin #hustlers #alingsås #trollhättan #swedentattoo
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks Niklas. #family #love #oldschool #traditionaltattoo #traditionalmotive #sailorjerry #familytattoo #alingsås #trollhättan
Trollhättan, Sweden
Thanks @buddabre . From Herbert Hoffman ‘s flashbook! #traditional #herberthoffmann #oldschool #respecttheroots #oldschooltattoo #panther
Trollhättan, Sweden