Alex Widell

Alex Widell

Stockholm, Sweden

9.4K followers@alexwidelltattoo


@sanctumtattoo Stockholm, Sweden or DM for bookings!


Design from my flash book on @stickobrinntattoo . 
#ink #inked #inks #tattoo #tattoos #topclasstattooing #tradwork #tradworkerssubmission #tradworkers #topclasstattooing #blacktattooart #blacktattoo #blackwork #blackworkers #blackworkerssubmission #tattooed #tattoostyle #traditional #traditionaltattoo #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #bright_and_bold #oldworkers #oldlines
Stockholm, Sweden
Design from my flash book for @ghllstrm . Surrounded by some healed work! DM for tattoos in February.
#ink #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #inked #tatoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradwork #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #topclasstattooing #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #bright_and_bold #tattoostyle #tattooartist #tattooart #flashtattoo #tatuering #stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden
Me chilling in the woods after work. DM for chill tattoos!
#ink #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #topclasstattooing #bright_and_bold #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradwork #tradworkerssubmission #tradworkers #tattooed #fantasy #fantasyart #stockholm #besttattoos
Stockholm, Sweden
Still shot of yesterdays fun battle wolf for @therealdannypuma . Thanks again bromachine!
#ink #inked #inks #tattoo #topclasstattooing #tradwork #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo #trad #bright_and_bold #tattooed #tattoostyle #tattooart #fantasy #fantasyart #scifi #scifiart #sverige #stockholm #tatuering
Stockholm, Sweden
2025 is off to a good start with 2 designs from my flash book combined to fill a gap in the ditch of @bobbanjohnson . Got some space left in January!
DM for tattoos.
#ink #inked #inks #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #tradtattoos #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #traditional #traditionaltattoo #topclasstattooing #bright_and_bold #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #tradwork #tatuering #sverige #tattoostyle #scifi #fantasy #fantasyart
Stockholm, Sweden
Fire demon in the back of the knee on my tough pal @richard.andersson . Booking February and March.
DM for tattoos!
#ink #inks #inked #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #scifi #fantasy #fantasyart #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo #topclasstattooing #bright_and_bold #tradwork #tradworkerssubmission #tradworkers #tattoostyle #tattooart #demon #stockholm #stockholmtattoo #topclasstattooing
Stockholm, Sweden
Death stuff on @thindrajansson done today! DM for tattoos in February.
#ink #inked #tattoo #tattoos #topclasstattooing #tattooing #tattooed #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradwork #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #blackwork #blackworkers #blackworkerssubmission #blacktattoo #blacktattoos #blacktattooart #bright_and_bold #sverigetatuering #stockholm #södermalm #sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Last tattoo of 2024 and @badbouyryry trusted me with his neck. We’re gonna continue with the sides in a few weeks!
#ink #tattoo #tattoos #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradwork #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschooltattoo #oldschool #topclasstattooing #bright_and_bold #tattooed #tattoostyle #necktattoo #tattooart
Stockholm, Sweden
Another one on @illclintoniii . Thanks again for getting fun tattoos!
#ink #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #topclasstattooing #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradwork #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #bright_and_bold #besttradtattoos #tattoostyle #viking #sverige #stockholm #tatuering #tattooart #tattooideas
Stockholm, Sweden
Wolf on old time regular @jackekniv . Booking February! DM for tattoos.
#ink #inks #inked #tattoo #topclasstattooing #tattoos #tattooed #tradtattoos #traditional #traditionaltattoo #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #tradwork #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #bright_and_bold #wolf #stockholm #sverige #stockholmtattoo #tattoostyle #tattooideas
Stockholm, Sweden
Space traveling dragon . On @timmyisntreal . DM for TATTOOS!
#ink #inks #inked #tattoo #traditional #traditionaltattoo  #topclasstattooing #oldlines #oldworkers #oldschool #oldschooltattoo #tradworkers #tradworkerssubmission #tradwork #bright_and_bold #classictattoo #dragon #dragontattoo #fantasy #fantasyart #tattooart #tattooed #tattoostyle #tattooideas
Stockholm, Sweden