

London, United Kingdom

49.3K followers@alexlloydtattoo


Fine Line Tattoos | London & Manchester Founder @debutstudios


Couple of small fine line additions for Tom 🌞

Book a tattoo or consultation in London/Manchester via the link in bio


#debutstudios #tattoo #tattoos #fineline #finelinetattoo #suntattoo #lineworktattoo #sacredheart #sacredhearttattoo #tattoosleeve #patchworktattoo #smalltattoo #singleneedletattoo
London, United Kingdom
Start of a sleeve concept for Varun @debutstudios 🐦‍🔥 

Limited appointments in Feb & March. Complete a consultation form to book your next tattoo in London or Manchester via the link in bio


#debutstudios #tattoo #tattoos #fineline #finelinetattoo #phoenixtattoo #geometrictattoo #lineworktattoo #singleneedletattoo #handtattoo #manchestertattoo #londontattoo #blackandgreytattoo #tattoosleeve #sleevetattoo
London, United Kingdom
Not many I know that can sit both sides of the neck in one hit 🪨 

Books open for London & Manchester - consultation form link in bio

Thanks to @killerinktattoo | @ghostcartridges | @butterluxe_uk | @tattoospray 


#debutstudios #tattoo #tattoos #fineline #finelinetattoo #singleneedle #singleneedletattoo #blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #necktattoo #skulltattoo #rosetattoo #microtattoo #lineworktattoo #finelinetattoos #londontattoo #manchestertattoo
London, United Kingdom
‘Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body’
 - Seneca

Book a tattoo @debutstudios London or Manchester via the consultation form in my bio

Sponsored by: @killerinktattoo | @ghostcartridges | @butterluxe_uk | @tattoospray 


#debutstudios #fineline #finelinetattoo #tattoo #microrealismtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #stoicism #greekmythology #mythologytattoo #singleneedletattoo #tattoos
London, United Kingdom
Howl at the moon 🌙 

Book @debutstudios London/Manchester via the link in bio

Sponsored by @killerinktattoo | @ghostcartridges | @butterluxe_uk 


#debutstudios #tattoo #tattoos #fineline #finelinetattoo #londontattoo #realismtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #wolftattoo #microrealism #blackworktattoo #manchestertattoo #singleneedletattoo
London, United Kingdom