Aimée Lou

Aimée Lou

Guildford, United Kingdom

9.4K followers@aimeeloutattoo


G U I L D F O R D , U K ☆ Private Studio ☆ ☆ Steady Hands ☆ Clumsy Feet ☆ ☆ Since 2005 ☆


Mum and daughter flowers. Second is a cover-up.
Guildford, United Kingdom
I love a cover-up! 🌼 Lines and black healed. Swipe for before.
Guildford, United Kingdom
Some under the knee fun for Jayne 🖤
Guildford, United Kingdom
Menzingers Matryoshka for Chantal ❤
Guildford, United Kingdom
I keep forgetting to post work... here's a very fun one for Dean from last week 🖤
Guildford, United Kingdom
For Caroline ☂️
Guildford, United Kingdom
For Iain
Guildford, United Kingdom
It's been a very busy weekend 🖤❤
Guildford, United Kingdom