A couple of hands heading back to Aus with Erin, thanks for the trust girl! The platy and eucalyptus for her heritage and the fox and English Oak for her adventures and the friends she’s made here in Leicester/uk, Erin has a colour and a black and grey arm 🦊

A couple of hands heading back to Aus with Erin, thanks for the trust girl! The platy and eucalyptus for her heritage and the fox and English Oak for her adventures and the friends she’s made here in Leicester/uk, Erin has a colour and a black and grey arm 🦊 #foxtattoo#platypustattoo#handtattoo#oaktattoo#eucalyptustattoo#animaltattoo#uktattoo#leicestertattoo#handtattoos#femaletattooartist#leicester#australiatattoo#northamptontattoo#derbytattoo#nottinghamtattoo#londontattoo#loughboroughtattoo#jobstoppers#


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