One of my all time favorites. @aliciavancuren is An awesome sweet person and tough as nails! I canβt thank you enough for the dedication to see this sleeve out. Lots of travel and long hours under the needle. I wanted to switch my filagree styles biomech up a bit and Alicia was willing. I love this style and want to do as much of it as I can going forward. #tattoo #biomech #tattooist #biomechanical #bioorganic #tattooed #tattooing #biomechanicaltattoo#abstract #art #natureart #tattooart #follow #organic #artist #tattoos #abstractart #tattoostyle #color @theblindtigertattoo @fusion_ink @fusionink_pro @kingpintattoosupply @truetubes @mdwipeoutz @neumatattoomachines @vitalitreetattoo Appointments π© www.tattoobiomech.com