I will be tattooing at the Seven Feathers Tattoo, March 28 - 30.  I will be there will goof friend Bill Goat @goat76

I have plenty of openings for appointments. 
I will be tattooing walk ups as well. 

Looking to get a big tattoo? Day rate available.

Three ways to book

Email tattoo@freaksandgeekstattoo.com 

Use the online booking system at:

Call the shop directly: 503.317.1325 



I will be tattooing at the Seven Feathers Tattoo, March 28 - 30. I will be there will goof friend Bill Goat @goat76 I have plenty of openings for appointments. I will be tattooing walk ups as well. Looking to get a big tattoo? Day rate available. Three ways to book Email tattoo@freaksandgeekstattoo.com Use the online booking system at: freaksandgeekstattoo.com Call the shop directly: 503.317.1325 @art_and_tattoos_by_jason @sevenfeatherstattooexpo #Portland #portlandtattoo #oregontattoo #sevenfeatherstattooexpo #traditonaltattoo #americanatattoos #blackandgraytattoo #colortattoo #Japanesetattoo #realismtattoo #appointmentsavailable #walkinswelcome


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