@deadstuffanddots is off repping @indelible_ink_studio at the prestigious @brightontattoocon this weekend . . . 

He picked up a first place award last year and has something special lined up for this year also.

This convention is loaded with Big Hitters from all over the world. . . Lots of artists working the show have big Banners put on Lamposts and Buildings around the City for advertisement . . . Gez has been on one previous years and heres his Banner for this year with help from Cooper 😂. . . 

Anybody seen it ?! 

If you are able to swing by this show this weekend its absolutely worth it 10’000%

#brighton #brightontattoo #brightontattooconvention #tattooshow #theog #indelibleink #southcoast #bullmastiff

@deadstuffanddots is off repping @indelible_ink_studio at the prestigious @brightontattoocon this weekend . . . He picked up a first place award last year and has something special lined up for this year also. This convention is loaded with Big Hitters from all over the world. . . Lots of artists working the show have big Banners put on Lamposts and Buildings around the City for advertisement . . . Gez has been on one previous years and heres his Banner for this year with help from Cooper 😂. . . Anybody seen it ?! If you are able to swing by this show this weekend its absolutely worth it 10’000% #brighton #brightontattoo #brightontattooconvention #tattooshow #theog #indelibleink #southcoast #bullmastiff


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