Its about time I tattoo someone for FREE!! Sooooo let me lay down some rules for this little giveaway thaaang. 1) LIKE this post! 2) Follow me! I think thats it… hahahah im kinda stoned rn. If you would feel encouraged to repost this on your story and comment, it would super cool HOWEVER it wont improve your chances of winning. But do it anyway no balls. At 1pm on Monday the 24th of FEBRUARY, im just gonna take the total number of LIKES and run it through and random number thinger and find that number person! That should work right? Thank you guys 🖤 oh also this is for a NEW tattoo only! Something about handsized that i can get done in a single 6-7 hour session!! And i will ONLY do ideas or subject matter that interest me 🖤 thats for the better, for both of us.