Dagger through an eye and hula girl done by @zakk_tattoo 
You can find Zakk on Exchnage street taking appointments and dealing out walking tats from Wednesday to Sundays. He’s out this next week but will be back at it next week. Big or small, he does them all!!
#portlandmaine #mainetattoo #maineartist #madeinmaine #southernmaine #mainemade #portlandme #southportlandmaine #mainecoast #thewaylifeshouldbe #mainetheway #igmaine #maineigers #daggertattoo #eyetattoo #hulagirl #newenglandtattoonetwork #eastcoasttattooers #maineartistsofinstagram #boldtattoos

Dagger through an eye and hula girl done by @zakk_tattoo You can find Zakk on Exchnage street taking appointments and dealing out walking tats from Wednesday to Sundays. He’s out this next week but will be back at it next week. Big or small, he does them all!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #portlandmaine #mainetattoo #maineartist #madeinmaine #southernmaine #mainemade #portlandme #southportlandmaine #mainecoast #thewaylifeshouldbe #mainetheway #igmaine #maineigers #daggertattoo #eyetattoo #hulagirl #newenglandtattoonetwork #eastcoasttattooers #maineartistsofinstagram #boldtattoos


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