Fu dog with cherry blossom full sleeve. Thanks to my client Helen for her trust. She flew from San Francisco twice and completed this full sleeve in 4 sessions.Thank you to Helen for your cooperation, I really appreciate it🥰❤️🙏

#fudogtattoo #fudogtattoos #fusleevetattoo #sleevetattoo #sleevesdesign #cherryblossomtattoo #gloriazhangtattoo

Fu dog with cherry blossom full sleeve. Thanks to my client Helen for her trust. She flew from San Francisco twice and completed this full sleeve in 4 sessions.Thank you to Helen for your cooperation, I really appreciate it🥰❤️🙏 #fudogtattoo #fudogtattoos #fusleevetattoo #sleevetattoo #sleevesdesign #cherryblossomtattoo #gloriazhangtattoo


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