I do a lot of coverup work, and I actually enjoy it. Some tattooers prefer not to adjust old tattoos and that is absolutely fine! It’s important to find an artist who is comfortable with coverups, and able to do some creative brainstorming and planning to make them most effective. This one was really gratifying. He wanted to say goodbye to this wicked dated ‘90’s sun tattoo. We went with a red shouldered hawk, ferns, and violets. The finished photo is red and very fresh, but I’m sharing anyway. I hid the sun in the bird and used the color, linework, and texture to camouflage the old tattoo. Such a fun challenge!

I do a lot of coverup work, and I actually enjoy it. Some tattooers prefer not to adjust old tattoos and that is absolutely fine! It’s important to find an artist who is comfortable with coverups, and able to do some creative brainstorming and planning to make them most effective. This one was really gratifying. He wanted to say goodbye to this wicked dated ‘90’s sun tattoo. We went with a red shouldered hawk, ferns, and violets. The finished photo is red and very fresh, but I’m sharing anyway. I hid the sun in the bird and used the color, linework, and texture to camouflage the old tattoo. Such a fun challenge!


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