Couple of healed black work tattoos on Chloe. These healed up a treat and nice to see them!  If you want to book in please send me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! #tattoo #blackwork #blacktattoo #boldtattoo #healedtattoo #healed #trad #trafitional #snake #snaketattoo #heart #sacredheart

Couple of healed black work tattoos on Chloe. These healed up a treat and nice to see them! If you want to book in please send me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! #tattoo #blackwork #blacktattoo #boldtattoo #healedtattoo #healed #trad #trafitional #snake #snaketattoo #heart #sacredheart


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