🔥🖤 A stunning piece by @Taralynntattoos! It’s rare to find an artist that loves cover-ups as much as Tara—she’s genuinely passionate about the transformation, both physical and emotional.  Swipe for before and after shots 🐉✨

Limited appointments still available for January! Visit www.edensedgetattoo.com to book a consult, or DM us with any general questions. 🎨

#EdenEdgeTattoo #EdensEdge #TaralynnChokshi #Fierce #DragonTattoo #CoverUpTransformation #TattooArt #coveruptattoo

🔥🖤 A stunning piece by @Taralynntattoos! It’s rare to find an artist that loves cover-ups as much as Tara—she’s genuinely passionate about the transformation, both physical and emotional. Swipe for before and after shots 🐉✨ Limited appointments still available for January! Visit www.edensedgetattoo.com to book a consult, or DM us with any general questions. 🎨 #EdenEdgeTattoo #EdensEdge #TaralynnChokshi #Fierce #DragonTattoo #CoverUpTransformation #TattooArt #coveruptattoo


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