Ein frohes neues Jahr an euch alle. Danke an all die Menschen die mich unterstützen und die sich bereitwillig von mir weh tun lassen, ihr seit klasse! Bleibt gesund 🙏🏻 

Hier ein Vogel auf Zweig 😉

#tattoo #tattoos #graphicdesign #handtattoo #birdtattoo #blablabla


The tattoo features a vibrant and colorful design that combines elements of a bird and an octopus. The bird is depicted with intricate detailing, showcasing its feathers in shades of orange, green, and blue. The octopus tentacle wraps around the bird, adorned with circular patterns and bright colors, creating a dynamic flow in the design.

Technical Details

Line Work: Bold outlines with varying thicknesses to emphasize different elements.

Shading: Soft shading techniques used to create depth, particularly in the bird's feathers.

Color Usage: Bright and contrasting colors, with a focus on oranges, greens, blues, and reds.


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