2024 . . . Youve been incredible . . Thank you to everyone that in anyway at all has contributed to efforts of Myself & The OG’ Indelible Ink. Wether youve just walked in the studio door , been tattooed , purchased merchandise , bought vouchers, travelled the world with me to conventions . . Or simply liked and shared posts on social media you have all contributed in someway to its successes over the past 12 months. . . The studio has had many many ups but on the back of that We sadly lost an Indelible Ink OG in Harry (not forever - just a little bit ;) ) And on the back of that im Incredibly proud this year especially of Wifey Banana Girl whos found something she absolutely loves and is incredibly good at - shes absolutely killing it having taken over the piercing position at Indelible . . . Big things for her next year for sure. . . . Forever proud of the whole Inelible Ink Family always! 2024 - sooooo many incredible times with old friends and met soooo many awesome new ones . . . 2024 - ive Worked more conventions than any other year . . . Won more awards than any other year (15) . . . More tattooing on the ships and the Studio is still going from strength to strength . . . More goals made for next year . . . 19 years in and the years are still getting busier and goals still being aimed for and smashed . . . Still absolutely love it 🖤 Thank you massively to my sponsors also for absolutely helping me achieve the above. So many big things lined up for 2025 - i cant wait to see what happens! At some point in the year ill be hitting the 100 Conventions mark around August / September time 🥳🙌🏼 #tattoo #tattoos #theog #indelibleink #gosport #2024 #2025 #onwardsandupwards #winning