Наконец-то дошли руки выложить готовую ногу с драконом которую делали еще весной. Все зажившее кроме нижней части ноги, там была коррекция и обновление чужой татуировки. 
#tattoodragon #dragontattoo #colortattoo #colortattooartist #tattoorealistic #realistictattoo #tattoo #tats #bigtattoo #tattooforgirls #татудракон #драконтату #цветнаятату #цветнаятатуировка #татуреализм #реализмтату #татунаноге
Neo-traditionalDragon and Floral ElementsLeg


The tattoo features a dynamic composition with a prominent dragon at the top, showcasing fierce expressions and vibrant colors. Below the dragon, there are elements of nature, including flowers and possibly a figure, all intricately detailed and blended with a mix of realism and stylization.

Technical Details

Line Work: Smooth and flowing lines that define the dragon and floral elements, with varying thickness to create depth.

Shading: Rich shading techniques that enhance the three-dimensional appearance of the dragon and other elements.

Color Usage: Vibrant colors, particularly reds, blues, and greens, used to create contrast and highlight different aspects of the design.


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