Hey, it’s been a minute! After a bit of a break, I’m finally feeling more like myself and catching up on all the things (I have SO MANY tattoos to show y’all). Oh, and did I mention? I’m in the process of opening my very own private studio in Manchester! To celebrate I’ve drawn some repeatable flash that will be available year round, I have kept my schedule light in order to book some fun things this month and will list my availability for October below. If something catches your eye, shoot me an email labeled “flash on (your chosen date)” as the subject. You can screenshot the piece you’re interested in and any other helpful information as well such as placement, preferred colors, etc. Big things are coming, and I can’t wait to share more soon! Feel free to follow my new studio page in the meantime for updates. 💫 @flower_power_tattoo October dates: 10/4 10/5 10/9 10/10 10/17 10/23 10/24 at 3 10/30 10/31 #FlowerPowerTattoo